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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Music Magazine Contents Page Mock Up 1

This is the first mock up for the contents page which follows the same colour scheme as the front cover mocks of a violet/blue colour scheme. Of course there would be more content on the page number section but the text shows what the page would look like, the page numbers look bare with both the colour and the content as there is not enough content to make the page feel like a contents page and the colour scheme doesn't agree with the content as it enhances the look that the page is very bare in content.  The images look good in the position thy are in but the overall design looks scruffy and unprofessional which is what would deter my target audience from purchasing my target audience. If I added text beside or below the images and used formatting tools such as the line or border tool, it could create the professional look I have now concluded will be needed for the final magazine.

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