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Friday, 20 March 2015

Music Magazine Contents Page Flat Plan 3

This is the final flat plan design for my contents page. As you can see the design is similar to what other magazines do with their design but is still unique to a degree as not many magazines use this design themselves. The images on the right will be the main stories presented by an image with a page number on the bottom right of it, it will be easy to see and stand out to the target audience as any reader started from the left. As they will start to read from the left they will answer their own questions of which page their favoured artist is and gain more knowledge about the main stories also in the magazine. This is will make it far easier for the reader to navigate the magazine as they will not have to search for anything. The content page number are on the right side because they will be the minor stories, only a few of them will actually appeal to the target audience as not every reader will be interested in everything in the magazine. On the other hand, the magazine maybe easy for the reader and partially suit their style but the target audience are set on their alternative/indie genre of music which comes with it's own magazine format. Stuart Hall's theory of "encoding/decoding" suggests that in this case the flat plan does not fully suit the target audience but it partially does so this would be "negotiated reading". This is when the target audience partially shares the style of the magazine and will continue to read the magazine as the format and style understands them to a degree. So this design is unique and can still suit my target audience even though it does not completely agree with their style.

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